Improvements outside Christ the King Primary School

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Update on proposed improvements to Tollington Park

As part of our commitment to make Islington’s streets greener, healthier, and more welcoming for all, we held a public consultation to deliver improvements outside Christ the King, on Tollington Park in February this year.

We proposed a number of changes to create a more pleasant atmosphere outside the school gate, where road danger is reduced, and where it’s easier for children, parents, and carers to walk, cycle, and wheel to and from school. This included raising the existing signalised crossing, widening the pavement, new cycle parking and seating, greening, and new colourful carriageway artwork. We also proposed moving a cycle hangar from Tollington Park to Turle Road.

Key findings from the consultation

We first engaged with local people, businesses and the school community in December 2023 where we asked people to identify the current issues with the street environment outside Christ the King. Using this feedback, we developed designs for Tollington Park and held a public consultation from Monday, 19 February to Sunday, 17 March 2024.

We received 13 responses to the online survey. We also delivered a workshop with selected pupils from the school. You can find the detailed results in the consultation report.

The feedback from the consultation demonstrates that the public generally supports the aims of the improvements proposed outside the school.

How we plan to transform Tollington Park

We will be introducing the following improvements outside Christ the King Primary School:

  • widen the pavement outside the school, moving traffic and emissions further from the gate

  • introduce new greening including planting and trees to improve air quality and create a more pleasant environment

  • install new seating outside the school gates

  • raise the existing signalised pedestrian crossing to footpath level to slow traffic down and make it easier for people walking to use

  • provide new cycle parking for local people and the school community

  • introduce colourful artwork on the road outside the school to make drivers aware of the school and encourage them to slow their speeds

  • relocate the cycle hangar from Tollington Park to Turle Road

  • upgrading existing vehicle crossovers to improve accessibility for people walking, wheeling or using buggies, retaining the existing historic cobblestones where possible.

Figure 1: Examples of improvements.

In response to concerns fed back during the public consultation we have made some changes to the designs which include:

  • reducing the proposed removal of parking spaces required to accommodate building out the pavement from from 10 spaces to 7 spaces
  • local people told us that they were concerned about speeding in the area and on Tollington Park. We monitored speeds on Tollington Park which showed that the seven-day average speed is under the 20mph limit. However, we are committed to further supporting speed reduction on Tollington Park and we have included speed reduction measures within the design such as widening the raised crossing, and reducing parking loss to create 'pinch points' at the entrance to the school zone which will encourage vehicles to lower their speed.

Figure 2: artistic impression of improvements to Tollington Park

Next steps for Tollington Park

We're proposing to implement the improvements on a permanent basis from July 2024. We will be doing this under a Traffic Management Order (TMO), which is subject to a statutory consultation.

To make an objection to the TMO, please send it in writing to us between Friday, 17 May to Friday, 7 June 2024 by:

  • Email:
  • Post: Environment, 1 Cottage Road, London, N7 8TP

The objection period for the TMO statutory consultation closes on Friday, 7 June 2024. Please note that any formal objection that is submitted may become a public document and could be published.

Figure 3: artistic impression of the street view of improvements to Tollington Park

About Islington’s School Streets 

Since 2019, Islington Council has introduced 36 School Streets, covering 37 primary schools. These work by preventing vehicles from using streets outside schools at drop-off and pick-up times, making the school run more enjoyable, and creating a better atmosphere.

Certain schools, such as Christ the King Primary School, are on roads where it’s not possible to introduce these kinds of restrictions. So, in order to deliver a range of benefits, the council is proposing to instead introduce improvements such as new greening, pavement widening, and seating.

These improvements will help deliver a range of health and wellbeing benefits by reducing air pollution, and by making it easier for children to exercise regularly.

So far, five primary schools have already seen these kinds of improvements being introduced such as Robert Blair Primary School.

Figure 3: example of improvements outside of Robert Blair Primary School

Update on proposed improvements to Tollington Park

As part of our commitment to make Islington’s streets greener, healthier, and more welcoming for all, we held a public consultation to deliver improvements outside Christ the King, on Tollington Park in February this year.

We proposed a number of changes to create a more pleasant atmosphere outside the school gate, where road danger is reduced, and where it’s easier for children, parents, and carers to walk, cycle, and wheel to and from school. This included raising the existing signalised crossing, widening the pavement, new cycle parking and seating, greening, and new colourful carriageway artwork. We also proposed moving a cycle hangar from Tollington Park to Turle Road.

Key findings from the consultation

We first engaged with local people, businesses and the school community in December 2023 where we asked people to identify the current issues with the street environment outside Christ the King. Using this feedback, we developed designs for Tollington Park and held a public consultation from Monday, 19 February to Sunday, 17 March 2024.

We received 13 responses to the online survey. We also delivered a workshop with selected pupils from the school. You can find the detailed results in the consultation report.

The feedback from the consultation demonstrates that the public generally supports the aims of the improvements proposed outside the school.

How we plan to transform Tollington Park

We will be introducing the following improvements outside Christ the King Primary School:

  • widen the pavement outside the school, moving traffic and emissions further from the gate

  • introduce new greening including planting and trees to improve air quality and create a more pleasant environment

  • install new seating outside the school gates

  • raise the existing signalised pedestrian crossing to footpath level to slow traffic down and make it easier for people walking to use

  • provide new cycle parking for local people and the school community

  • introduce colourful artwork on the road outside the school to make drivers aware of the school and encourage them to slow their speeds

  • relocate the cycle hangar from Tollington Park to Turle Road

  • upgrading existing vehicle crossovers to improve accessibility for people walking, wheeling or using buggies, retaining the existing historic cobblestones where possible.

Figure 1: Examples of improvements.

In response to concerns fed back during the public consultation we have made some changes to the designs which include:

  • reducing the proposed removal of parking spaces required to accommodate building out the pavement from from 10 spaces to 7 spaces
  • local people told us that they were concerned about speeding in the area and on Tollington Park. We monitored speeds on Tollington Park which showed that the seven-day average speed is under the 20mph limit. However, we are committed to further supporting speed reduction on Tollington Park and we have included speed reduction measures within the design such as widening the raised crossing, and reducing parking loss to create 'pinch points' at the entrance to the school zone which will encourage vehicles to lower their speed.

Figure 2: artistic impression of improvements to Tollington Park

Next steps for Tollington Park

We're proposing to implement the improvements on a permanent basis from July 2024. We will be doing this under a Traffic Management Order (TMO), which is subject to a statutory consultation.

To make an objection to the TMO, please send it in writing to us between Friday, 17 May to Friday, 7 June 2024 by:

  • Email:
  • Post: Environment, 1 Cottage Road, London, N7 8TP

The objection period for the TMO statutory consultation closes on Friday, 7 June 2024. Please note that any formal objection that is submitted may become a public document and could be published.

Figure 3: artistic impression of the street view of improvements to Tollington Park

About Islington’s School Streets 

Since 2019, Islington Council has introduced 36 School Streets, covering 37 primary schools. These work by preventing vehicles from using streets outside schools at drop-off and pick-up times, making the school run more enjoyable, and creating a better atmosphere.

Certain schools, such as Christ the King Primary School, are on roads where it’s not possible to introduce these kinds of restrictions. So, in order to deliver a range of benefits, the council is proposing to instead introduce improvements such as new greening, pavement widening, and seating.

These improvements will help deliver a range of health and wellbeing benefits by reducing air pollution, and by making it easier for children to exercise regularly.

So far, five primary schools have already seen these kinds of improvements being introduced such as Robert Blair Primary School.

Figure 3: example of improvements outside of Robert Blair Primary School

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    We want to hear from local people, businesses, and the school community on how we can improve the space around Christ the King Primary School on Tollington Park.

    As part of our commitment to making Islington’s streets greener, healthier, and more welcoming for all, we would like to deliver improvements outside Christ the King, on Tollington Park.

    This survey will ask for your views on the proposals for the area outside Christ the King Primary School.

    The closing date for this survey is: 11.59pm on Sunday, 17 March 2024 when the consultation period ends.

    If you would like to come and talk to us about the project in person and view the design ideas in more detail, we will be hosting a 'drop-in' session at Christ the King Primary School on Wednesday, 6 March from 3.15pm to 4.30pm.

    To find out more about our School Streets programme please visit where you will also find answers to frequently asked questions. If you have any further questions, please email us at:

    Privacy Statement: 

    Islington Council is committed to protecting your privacy when you use council services. The council will only use the information you provide for the purpose of this project.

    For further details on how the council processes personal data, please refer to

    The lawful basis we rely on for processing this information is your informed consent. Any responses you choose to make to the ‘About You’ section will be stored securely and confidentially.

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Page last updated: 28 Jun 2024, 01:28 PM