Northolme Road parking changes

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Northolme Road business parking bay proposal

Islington council is proposing a to make changes to an existing shared parking space in Northolme Road. This involves changing the three-space shared permit holders parking bay near the junction with Highbury Park into business permit holders only parking spaces (see plan). As a result, resident permit holders would not be able to park in the proposed business bay. We are proposing this change to help local businesses on Highbury Park by ensuring some parking space is available for business permit holders to use.

Please provide any comments by 11 March 2024 using the survey page below.

A plan of the site is shown below:

Plan showing proposed business bays at Northolme Road by the junction with Highbury Park

Download a PDF version of this plan

Northolme Road business parking bay proposal

Islington council is proposing a to make changes to an existing shared parking space in Northolme Road. This involves changing the three-space shared permit holders parking bay near the junction with Highbury Park into business permit holders only parking spaces (see plan). As a result, resident permit holders would not be able to park in the proposed business bay. We are proposing this change to help local businesses on Highbury Park by ensuring some parking space is available for business permit holders to use.

Please provide any comments by 11 March 2024 using the survey page below.

A plan of the site is shown below:

Plan showing proposed business bays at Northolme Road by the junction with Highbury Park

Download a PDF version of this plan

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

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Page last updated: 18 Mar 2024, 04:43 PM