Priority 1

    Prevent and relieve homelessness through early and tailored intervention

    Homelessness is not inevitable, and it can be prevented. We work to provide early help for those at risk of becoming homeless and we believe that everyone who is homeless should have a right to a safe, secure home along with an appropriate level of support to create a good quality of life.  

    We will deliver this Priority through the following Objectives:

    1. Proactively minimise homelessness through a prevention approach to service delivery

    2. Operate a Whole Housing approach through DAHA accredited services for individuals and families experiencing domestic abuse and work to eliminate domestic abuse in the borough

    3. Ensure residents with more complex needs receive appropriate support to stay safe and well in their homes
    4. Support care experienced young individuals at risk of homelessness and address youth homelessness
    5. Work with our partners and across the subregion to provide housing options and specialist advice
    6. Provide support to access skills and employment opportunities
    7. Work jointly with our statutory and community partners and stakeholders to foster better accountability and prevent homelessness and improve outcomes for residents
    8. Improve our data accuracy and evidence base to improve efficiency and ensure that our services meet housing need
    9. Empower our residents and provide the mechanisms for  them to hold us to account.



Priority 2

    Eliminating rough sleeping and help people into settled housing

    We work side-by-side and holistically across the council and with our statutory and community partners to eliminate rough sleeping; We work to the values set out in our Homelessness Charter.

    We will deliver this Priority through the following Objectives:

    1. Improve health outcomes for rough sleepers

    2. Operate homeless outreach services in partnership with community groups and partners to provide proactive support and somewhere safe to go

    3. Provide secure supported housing to house rough sleepers or former rough sleepers with high support needs
    4. Maximise available funding available to the council and partners and across the subregion.

Priority 3

    Improving housing options available to meet the needs of our residents

    We aim to provide every individual accessing our services with a realistic, sustainable good quality housing option where people can feel safe, maintain contact with their family and friends and which support their life choices.

    We will deliver this Priority through the following Objectives:

    1. Provide good quality genuinely affordable housing options for the residents of Islington
    2. Resolve housing issues for tenants in temporary accommodation as quickly as possible and aim for a substantial reduction in the number of homeless households living in private sector accommodation
    3. Improve housing conditions and management for tenants living in private rented sector
    4. Provide support for residents to live independently
    5. Promote opportunities for individuals under-occupying their homes and provide housing options for moves to make the best use of our housing and available housing in the borough.

Priority 4

    Providing accommodation and resettlement services to refugees and migrants

    We work to make Islington a place of welcome and sanctuary and work to end destitution through the delivery of targeted refugee and migrant accommodation responses. We work to remove barriers to accessing services whilst building more resilient communities to help prevent destitution and ensure that the council focuses on workable solutions for people in need.

    We will deliver this Priority through the following Objectives:

    1. Eliminate destitution and homelessness in Islington through both statutory and non-statutory targeted approaches
    2. Support resettled refugees to make the best start in their lives and reach their full potential
    3. Be a model of good practice, to demonstrate that systems can work in support of all vulnerable individuals and challenge racism and inequality.