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Image of Triangle Estate apartment blocks

Triangle Estate Improvements - second survey

As part of its efforts to enhance the Triangle Estate the improvements that we are hoping to make include: 

  •  Security improvements
  •  Landscaping improvements to central podium

Please see the engagement material and updated designs in the documents section of the web page.

To give us your views and ideas, you can take part in the engagement survey until Friday 7 March. The results of the survey will help us develop the project further.    

If you have any questions or would like to provide further thoughts/feedback on the project then you can also use the 'Questions and Feedback' about Triangle Estate section. Alternatively you can also email or please see the contact details provided on the newsletter delivered to the estate.

The London Borough of Islington will use the data you provide for the sole purpose of keeping you informed about the Triangle Estate project.  You may opt out of communications at any time.

We may share your information with Islington colleagues.

We will hold your data for the duration of the project.

For further information on how the Council handles personal data please refer to our online Privacy Notice

0% answered

Section 1: Security proposals

The proposal is to secure the perimeter of each building on the ground floor by installing new threshold doorways at each entrance with audio control and fob access, secure access to the lifts at ground floor and first floor to enhance safety at approaches, entrances and exits.

The proposal also includes not monitored CCTV at the podium level garden. 


To what extent do you agree that the security proposal will help create a safer estate?

Section 2: Landscaping to central podium

The proposal for the podium level garden is aimed to make the garden a usable space for residents of the estate, providing a place to sit down and for children to play in.

We would like to hear what residents think about the updated proposal.


To what extent do you agree that the re-landscaping proposal will help create a more social and welcoming space?


To what extent do you like the addition of some seating ?


To what extent do you agree that the seating design is suitable or comfortable for all people with different needs and abilities?


To what extent would you like to see more environmental improvements, such as more planting, even if it might mean reducing some of the seating?


To what extent do you agree with the inclusion of informal play in the podium space? For example, the stepping stones and logs.


Would you like to join the Tenants and Residents Association (TRA) for the Triangle Estate?