Idea 1 - Removing through-traffic and creating new pocket park on Jackson Road

    To help create streets that are safer, friendlier and with lower traffic volumes and vehicle speeds, we could introduce traffic filters on appropriate streets. 

    We know from the feedback you have provided that there are concerns about both the volume and speed of traffic on Jackson Road. Our monitoring indicates that close to 2000 vehicles use this road every day, and the vast majority of this traffic is non-local through traffic.

    One potential solution that could address the issues caused by high volumes of through traffic on Jackson Road could be to introduce a traffic filter at the junction of Hornsey Road.

    Jackson Road low traffic area, showing access and exit to Jackson Road, Lowman Road and Dunford Road via Holloway Road


    The implementation of the filter would still allow for motor vehicle access to all addresses on Jackson Road, Lowman Road, and Dunford Road, with entry from Holloway Road. 

    Removing the through-traffic from Jackson Road will make it a much more appealing route for those walking wheeling and cycling, connecting Hornsey Road and the Harvist Estate with Holloway Road via a low-traffic route.

    We welcome your suggestions on how to use the space that may be useable when through-traffic is removed from the junction (indicated in green below).

    Images below show examples of use of low traffic spaces from nearby Waltham Forest and Hackney

    Examples of spaces created by traffic filters (images: London Borough of Hackney; London Borough of Waltham Forest) 


    Idea 2 - Reducing traffic on Loraine Road, Shelburne Road and Caedmon Road

    Idea 2 - Reducing traffic on Loraine Road, Shelburne Road and Caedmon Road.

    We are aware that much of the traffic that uses Loraine Road, Shelburne Road and Caedmon Road is non-local through traffic which should not be using these residential streets.

    One idea to address this could be to introduce one-way traffic filters at Shelburne Road and Caedmon Road at the junction of Hornsey Road. Vehicular access into the area from Hornsey Road would be unchanged, however traffic would be prevented from using these streets as a cut-through route between Holloway Road and Hornsey Road

    As can be seen in the diagram above, access to all properties in the area, including Waitrose, would remain unchanged (yellow arrows), and vehicles would exit the area onto Tollington Road (pink arrow).

    Idea 3 - Reducing traffic on Arthur Road

    Idea 3 - Reducing traffic on Arthur Road 

    Idea 3: Arthur Road traffic filter which would prevent exit onto Hornsey Road. Access to all addresses would remain unchanged. Existing filters on Mayton Street and Roden Street would remain unchanged.

    We know from your feedback that local people would like to see less traffic on Arthur Road, and we also know from our traffic monitoring in the area that a significant amount of the traffic is coming from Morrisons car park.  

    One solution to this issue could be the introduction of a one-way traffic filter at the junction of Hornsey Road would prevent vehicles exiting Morrisons using Arthur Road cut-through to Hornsey Road. Instead, traffic exiting Morrisons would remain on Hertslet Road and use Tollington Road 

    All properties on Arthur Road would remain accessible by vehicle from Hornsey Road and Hertslet Road, and vehicles would exit onto Tollington Road via Hertslet Road.

    The image below shows an example of how the exit of Arthur Road might be transformed, similar to Caedmon Road and Sherburne Road.

    Idea 4 - Improving the Tollington Road crossing to improve North-South cycling links and routes to Pakeman School

    There is currently no way for people on bicycles to cross Tollington Road from Annette Road (either north or southbound).  To improve routes for people wanting to get between the north and south of the area by bicycle we would like to upgrade the crossing of Tollington Road to include provision for cycles. We hope this would be of particular benefit to children wishing to cycle or scoot to and from Pakeman Primary School

    Idea 5 - Improving footways at side roads

    When traffic volumes are reduced to very low levels, there is the opportunity to improve the experience of those walking and wheeling on the footway at side roads.

    By improving the crossings across low- to no-traffic side roads drivers are incentivised to slow down and give way those walking and wheeling, which reduces danger to footway users from turning traffic and creates a calmer, more people-centred environment.

    Below are some images of how footway improvements which could be applied at side roads.

    Idea 6 - Improving access to and from the Harvist Estate

    At present there is no crossing of Hornsey Road from the main access points to and from the Harvist Estate between Tollington Road and Jackson Road (shown in blue on the map above).  

    A new crossing, at a location which is to be determined following engagement with the community would improve access to and from the Harvist Estate for those walking and wheeling .  We want to hear from you about the best location for such a crossing.