Child-Friendly Islington

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Islington should be a place where all children and young people feel safe, are healthy, and can thrive at all stages of their development.

For this to happen, children and young people need to be at the heart of all decisions that are made and actions that are taken. They should shape and lead the change they want to see.

The Child-Friendly Islington programme is changing how we work with and for children and young people, empowering them to have real influence across the council and with our partners.

Help shape a child-friendly future

If you are aged 25 or under, or work with young people through a youth group or educational setting, we are keen to work with you.

We want to -

  • understand what it means for children and young people to have a voice, and to influence things they care about
  • come up with ideas for empowering children and young people in Islington
  • test 'child- and youth-friendly' approaches to making decisions

Schools and youth settings - email to tell us about opportunities for your pupils to take part in the design process for Child-Friendly Islington.

Children, young people, parents and carers - answer our questions below, and click 'stay informed' to hear about opportunities to take part.

Information collected will be used to help inform the development of Child-Friendly Islington. Read our full privacy policy.

Pop your email in Stay Informed if you would like to receive updates about this project - the email you give will not be connected to your survey response.

Islington should be a place where all children and young people feel safe, are healthy, and can thrive at all stages of their development.

For this to happen, children and young people need to be at the heart of all decisions that are made and actions that are taken. They should shape and lead the change they want to see.

The Child-Friendly Islington programme is changing how we work with and for children and young people, empowering them to have real influence across the council and with our partners.

Help shape a child-friendly future

If you are aged 25 or under, or work with young people through a youth group or educational setting, we are keen to work with you.

We want to -

  • understand what it means for children and young people to have a voice, and to influence things they care about
  • come up with ideas for empowering children and young people in Islington
  • test 'child- and youth-friendly' approaches to making decisions

Schools and youth settings - email to tell us about opportunities for your pupils to take part in the design process for Child-Friendly Islington.

Children, young people, parents and carers - answer our questions below, and click 'stay informed' to hear about opportunities to take part.

Information collected will be used to help inform the development of Child-Friendly Islington. Read our full privacy policy.

Pop your email in Stay Informed if you would like to receive updates about this project - the email you give will not be connected to your survey response.

Page last updated: 21 Feb 2025, 07:47 PM