Estate Traffic Management Orders
Consultation has concluded

Find out how we are planning to manage estate parking by introducing traffic management orders.
Traffic management orders are legal documents introduced by councils to regulate parking restrictions under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984.
We carried out an estate resident consultation on estate parking in 2019. The majority of residents supported our allocated parking system of numbered bays and the introduction of traffic management orders.
The introduction of traffic management orders is necessary to keep estate access clear for resident parking bay users and essential service vehicles. It will improve estate parking control and enforcement, by making it possible for Civil Enforcement Officers to patrol estates and issue penalty charge notices (PCNs). We will continue to allocate numbered parking bays.
You can view drawings of the parking and access layout of the estate within the 'Document' section on the right hand column.
Consultation estates are:
- Constable House
- Fairdene Court
- Ferriby Close
- Field Court
- Lion Court
- New North Road Estate
- The Woodlands
- Turner House
- Wynn Court
- Yeates Street
You can send questions or comments about the or call 0207 527 6293
More information on traffic management orders
Press notices for this group are in: