Key Dates
Scope of the Review consultation closed
Gypsy and Traveller local plan review
The Local Plan sets out a vision and framework to guide how future development in the borough is managed to ensure housing, employment and other needs are met.
What is the purpose of this consultation?
As part of the preparation of the boroughs Local Plan, the council is required to ensure that the needs of Gypsies and Travellers in Islington are met. This will be done through a focused review of the Local Plan on this issue. The aim of this consultation is to begin the plan making process and start engaging with residents and other interested parties.
What is included in this consultation?
This is the first of a number of stages of consultation on the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan. We have set out in a paper the policy context, background, and evidence we plan to consider in the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan review as well as the process and indicative timescales for plan preparation.
Are any sites identified for Gypsy and Traveller accommodation?
No. Not at this stage. Further evidence will be collected to help with site identification. A site search will be conducted. Sites will be assessed against a set of planning criteria and further evidence will be produced to support the identification of any potential sites. Any potential sites will be consulted on later in the process.
Is there any further information?
Yes. We have prepared a ‘Scope of the Review’ paper - available to download from the documents section.
What can I comment on?
Any thoughts on the issues raised in the paper are welcome. We are not setting out detailed policies or sites at this stage, but instead are seeking feedback on what should be included within the Gypsy and Traveller Local Plan review. There are also some questions in the paper and survey that we would welcome comments on. Please note that inappropriate comments that make use of stereotypes to characterise the Gypsy and Traveller community will be rejected.