Planning Obligations Supplementary Planning Document

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We are preparing an updated supplementary planning document (SPD) about planning obligations.

Planning obligations are agreements between the council and developers used to address specific planning issues and impacts arising from a development proposal. They are intended to mitigate the impact of development and ensure that it is acceptable in planning terms.

The Planning Obligations SPD will provide further detail about the council’s policies on planning obligations, set out within the Local Plan, and the procedure for agreeing them. The new SPD will supersede the existing Planning Obligations SPD which was adopted in 2016.

What we have done so far

On 25 March 2024, we published a discussion paper outlining the key changes proposed to planning obligations. Consultation on the discussion paper was open until 13 May 2024. The results of the consultation are summarised in the Consultation Report.

The current draft of the SPD takes into account the feedback shared during the previous consultation. We are now consulting on the latest draft of the Planning Obligations SPD and are seeking feedback from all stakeholders. The results of this consultation will inform any final amendments to the SPD.

Following this consultation the responses will be reviewed. Subject to any comments and amendments as a result of the consultation, we anticipate that the final SPD will be adopted in Spring-Summer 2025.

Get Involved

The consultation period will run from Thursday 17 October 2024, closing at 11:59pm on Tuesday 10 December.

There are three ways available to comment:

  • Complete the survey below; or
  • Email; or
  • Respond via post by writing to the following address: Freepost RTXU-ETKU-KECB, Planning Policy, Islington Council 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Upper Street, London, N1 2UD.
The public notice outlining the full details of the consultation can be found in the documents section of this page.

The documents can also be viewed in hard copy form at Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 1UD (9am-5pm Monday to Friday).

We are preparing an updated supplementary planning document (SPD) about planning obligations.

Planning obligations are agreements between the council and developers used to address specific planning issues and impacts arising from a development proposal. They are intended to mitigate the impact of development and ensure that it is acceptable in planning terms.

The Planning Obligations SPD will provide further detail about the council’s policies on planning obligations, set out within the Local Plan, and the procedure for agreeing them. The new SPD will supersede the existing Planning Obligations SPD which was adopted in 2016.

What we have done so far

On 25 March 2024, we published a discussion paper outlining the key changes proposed to planning obligations. Consultation on the discussion paper was open until 13 May 2024. The results of the consultation are summarised in the Consultation Report.

The current draft of the SPD takes into account the feedback shared during the previous consultation. We are now consulting on the latest draft of the Planning Obligations SPD and are seeking feedback from all stakeholders. The results of this consultation will inform any final amendments to the SPD.

Following this consultation the responses will be reviewed. Subject to any comments and amendments as a result of the consultation, we anticipate that the final SPD will be adopted in Spring-Summer 2025.

Get Involved

The consultation period will run from Thursday 17 October 2024, closing at 11:59pm on Tuesday 10 December.

There are three ways available to comment:

  • Complete the survey below; or
  • Email; or
  • Respond via post by writing to the following address: Freepost RTXU-ETKU-KECB, Planning Policy, Islington Council 2nd Floor, Town Hall, Upper Street, London, N1 2UD.
The public notice outlining the full details of the consultation can be found in the documents section of this page.

The documents can also be viewed in hard copy form at Islington Town Hall, Upper Street, N1 1UD (9am-5pm Monday to Friday).

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please use the survey form to provide comments on the Planning Obligations Draft SPDThe closing date for this survey is Tuesday 10 December 2024.

    We will keep personal details secure and will only use them for relevant planning purposes. No personal contact information will be made public, only the content of the response will be published as part of the plan-making process.

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Page last updated: 10 Dec 2024, 11:59 PM