What is property licensing?

    The process of landlords or property managing agents obtaining a licence which proves the property is suitable for occupation and being managed to an acceptable standard.

    What property licensing currently operates in Islington?

    Mandatory licensing applies to houses in multiple occupation where there are five or more unrelated people, forming two or more households, and who share amenities such as a kitchen, bathroom or toilet facilities this scheme is boroughwide.

    A borough-wide additional licensing scheme has been in operation since 1 February 2021. Our additional scheme is due to expire in February 2026 unless renewed.

    Selective licensing came into operation on Finsbury Park 1 February 2021.On the 20 May 2024 it was extended to also include Tollington and Hillrise.

    What is the consultation proposal?

    The consultation proposal is to renew the boroughwide additional scheme which expires February 2026 and to expand the selective licensing to a further 9 wards Barnsbury, Caledonian, Midmay, Tufnell Park, Junction, Clerkenwell, Highbury, Laycock, and Canonbury

    Why are you consulting on renewing the additional scheme with a year left?

    This is because the lead in time for an executive decision takes roughly a year, including a compulsory 12-week consultation and 3-month statutory designation. Starting the renewal earlier reduces the likelihood that the scheme will expire with nothing to replace it.

    Why doesn’t selective licensing cover all wards?

    This is because selective licensing is discretionary, and conditions must be met in order to designate an area. Conditions include the area experiencing one or more of the following;

    • Low housing demand (or is likely to become such an area) 
    • A significant and persistent problem caused by anti-social behaviour 
    • Poor property conditions 
    • High levels of migration 
    • High level of deprivation 
    • High levels of crime

    We are starting with consulting on 9 wards as we believe they meet the current guidance with the data we have available. These wards contain a significant number of properties that need that to be inspected to determine whether they contain category 1 or 2 hazards, and/or are suffering from anti-social behaviour which could be addressed through improved property management.

    How do I find out more information?

    Visit our property licensing web pages 

    Website: Property licensing