The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood public consultation

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Have your say on how we can improve The Cally for all

Our public consultation on The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood will run from Monday, 19 February 2024 to Sunday, 17 March 2024

Having listened carefully to what you have told us during the co-design stage of engagement, we are now presenting our final proposals for The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood (read more about liveable neighbourhoods), and are asking for your feedback on these during the consultation.

A liveable neighbourhood involves changes to bring communities together, improve air quality, and make the area greener, healthier, and easier to walk around, cycle, scoot, and use buggies and wheelchairs in.

Our proposals for the liveable neighbourhood have been guided by and will build upon the We are Cally Community Plan, which sets out how we’ll engage with the community to make the area a better place for all. The plan has five main aspirations:

  • A strong community with a sense of belonging
  • Better opportunities for children, young people and families
  • Attractive, well-used public spaces
  • Improved health and wellbeing
  • A thriving, connected local economy that works for everyone

Over the past three years the council has been listening to local people in The Cally area. We received feedback from local people during the early engagement stage between November 2022 and April 2023. Our proposals have also been shaped by co-design engagement that took place during July and August 2023.

We have now developed final draft proposals, and we want to hear your views about them.

Map showing The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood scheme area

You have told us that:

  • you would like to see pavements improved with more space created for people walking, wheeling and with buggies and mobility aids

  • you want to see more pleasant, green public spaces and more places to stop and rest

  • streets should be made safer with slower traffic and fewer vehicles

  • it should be easier for people cycling in the area

Our proposals for The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood

Our final proposals are:

  • Proposal 1: Blundell Street walking and cycling route
  • Proposal 2: Greening Frederica Street
  • Proposal 3: Local walking and cycling link
  • Proposal 4: New green corridor
  • Proposal 5: Improvements to the approaches to Bingfield Park
  • Proposal 8: Improvements to York Way Gardens

At this stage of engagement, we will not be requesting further feedback on two of the proposals that we shared at the co-design engagement stage. These are:

Proposal 6: Caledonian Road pavement improvements - we have heard your concerns about the condition of the pavements here and we are planning to carry out repairs and de-cluttering, initially prioritising the section between Bridgeman Road and Richmond Avenue.

Proposal 7: Copenhagen Street walking and cycling route - the walking and cycling route will now connect the borough from west to east, linking York Way to Cycleway 27 via Charlton Place. During our engagement so far, there has been support for the scheme and this proposal will be now developed as a separate project due to the complex nature of the design process. Your views on this proposal will be gathered as part of a future, separate consultation.

Map showing our proposals for The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood

How you can get involved

We are now formally consulting on our final draft proposals and we want to hear your views on them.

At this stage of the project there are several ways you can have your say:

Complete our survey

We encourage you to give us your views on our draft final proposals by filling in our survey online, or collecting a paper copy from:

  • Lewis Carroll Children’s Library, 166 Copenhagen St, N1 0ST
  • West Library, 107 Bridgeman Rd, N1 1BD
  • Jean Stokes Community Centre, Carnoustie Drive, N1 0DX
  • Islington Town Hall reception, Upper Street, N1 2UD

Attend a public event

Online meeting via Teams

  • Join us on Tuesday, 27 February 2024 6pm -7pm to hear more and ask questions about our proposals
  • Sign up to the event using the link on the top right of this page.

In-person resident event

  • Come and give us your views on our proposals on Thursday, 7 March 2024 6.30pm-7pm
  • Please note that as capacity for this event will be limited, priority will be given to residents and businesses of the Caledonian ward and neighbouring streets.
  • Sign up to the event using the link on the top right of this page or complete a paper registration at Islington Town Hall reception, Lewis Carroll Library, West Library or Jean Stokes Community Centre.

In-person business event

  • Come and give us your views on our proposals on Thursday, 14 March 2024 10am-12pm
  • Please note that as capacity for this event will be limited, priority will be given to residents and businesses of the Caledonian ward and neighbouring streets.
  • Sign up to the event using the link on the top right of this page or complete a paper registration at Islington Town Hall reception, Lewis Carroll Library, West Library or Jean Stokes Community Centre.

Next steps

Once we have heard your views on our proposals through our consultation, we will use your feedback to make any final design changes.

We will then take a decision on what improvements are delivered as part of The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood.

If we make a decision to go ahead, we expect to start delivering the project later in 2024.

Have your say on how we can improve The Cally for all

Our public consultation on The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood will run from Monday, 19 February 2024 to Sunday, 17 March 2024

Having listened carefully to what you have told us during the co-design stage of engagement, we are now presenting our final proposals for The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood (read more about liveable neighbourhoods), and are asking for your feedback on these during the consultation.

A liveable neighbourhood involves changes to bring communities together, improve air quality, and make the area greener, healthier, and easier to walk around, cycle, scoot, and use buggies and wheelchairs in.

Our proposals for the liveable neighbourhood have been guided by and will build upon the We are Cally Community Plan, which sets out how we’ll engage with the community to make the area a better place for all. The plan has five main aspirations:

  • A strong community with a sense of belonging
  • Better opportunities for children, young people and families
  • Attractive, well-used public spaces
  • Improved health and wellbeing
  • A thriving, connected local economy that works for everyone

Over the past three years the council has been listening to local people in The Cally area. We received feedback from local people during the early engagement stage between November 2022 and April 2023. Our proposals have also been shaped by co-design engagement that took place during July and August 2023.

We have now developed final draft proposals, and we want to hear your views about them.

Map showing The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood scheme area

You have told us that:

  • you would like to see pavements improved with more space created for people walking, wheeling and with buggies and mobility aids

  • you want to see more pleasant, green public spaces and more places to stop and rest

  • streets should be made safer with slower traffic and fewer vehicles

  • it should be easier for people cycling in the area

Our proposals for The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood

Our final proposals are:

  • Proposal 1: Blundell Street walking and cycling route
  • Proposal 2: Greening Frederica Street
  • Proposal 3: Local walking and cycling link
  • Proposal 4: New green corridor
  • Proposal 5: Improvements to the approaches to Bingfield Park
  • Proposal 8: Improvements to York Way Gardens

At this stage of engagement, we will not be requesting further feedback on two of the proposals that we shared at the co-design engagement stage. These are:

Proposal 6: Caledonian Road pavement improvements - we have heard your concerns about the condition of the pavements here and we are planning to carry out repairs and de-cluttering, initially prioritising the section between Bridgeman Road and Richmond Avenue.

Proposal 7: Copenhagen Street walking and cycling route - the walking and cycling route will now connect the borough from west to east, linking York Way to Cycleway 27 via Charlton Place. During our engagement so far, there has been support for the scheme and this proposal will be now developed as a separate project due to the complex nature of the design process. Your views on this proposal will be gathered as part of a future, separate consultation.

Map showing our proposals for The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood

How you can get involved

We are now formally consulting on our final draft proposals and we want to hear your views on them.

At this stage of the project there are several ways you can have your say:

Complete our survey

We encourage you to give us your views on our draft final proposals by filling in our survey online, or collecting a paper copy from:

  • Lewis Carroll Children’s Library, 166 Copenhagen St, N1 0ST
  • West Library, 107 Bridgeman Rd, N1 1BD
  • Jean Stokes Community Centre, Carnoustie Drive, N1 0DX
  • Islington Town Hall reception, Upper Street, N1 2UD

Attend a public event

Online meeting via Teams

  • Join us on Tuesday, 27 February 2024 6pm -7pm to hear more and ask questions about our proposals
  • Sign up to the event using the link on the top right of this page.

In-person resident event

  • Come and give us your views on our proposals on Thursday, 7 March 2024 6.30pm-7pm
  • Please note that as capacity for this event will be limited, priority will be given to residents and businesses of the Caledonian ward and neighbouring streets.
  • Sign up to the event using the link on the top right of this page or complete a paper registration at Islington Town Hall reception, Lewis Carroll Library, West Library or Jean Stokes Community Centre.

In-person business event

  • Come and give us your views on our proposals on Thursday, 14 March 2024 10am-12pm
  • Please note that as capacity for this event will be limited, priority will be given to residents and businesses of the Caledonian ward and neighbouring streets.
  • Sign up to the event using the link on the top right of this page or complete a paper registration at Islington Town Hall reception, Lewis Carroll Library, West Library or Jean Stokes Community Centre.

Next steps

Once we have heard your views on our proposals through our consultation, we will use your feedback to make any final design changes.

We will then take a decision on what improvements are delivered as part of The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood.

If we make a decision to go ahead, we expect to start delivering the project later in 2024.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Please let us know what you think about our proposals 

    We'd like to hear from you about our proposals to create a liveable neighbourhood in The Cally.

    Our proposals have been guided by and will build upon the We are Cally Community Plan.

    This will involve changes to bring communities together, improve air quality, and make the area greener, healthier, and easier to walk around, cycle, scoot, and use buggies and wheelchairs in.

    Over the past three years the council has been listening to local people in The Cally area. We received feedback from local people during the early engagement stage between November 2022 and April 2023. 

    Our proposals have also been shaped by co-design engagement that took place during July and August 2023. We have now developed final draft proposals, and we want to hear your views about them.

    a map showing the boundary of the Cally liveable neighbourhood with the proposals shown

                                                                                    Map showing The Cally Liveable Neighbourhood proposals

    There are a number of ways you can view our proposals: 

    See our plans displayed during the consultation period at:

    • West Library, open Tuesday and Thursday 9.30am – 8pm, Friday and Saturday 9.30am – 5pm. Please note that the library is closed on Monday and Wednesday. Library location: Bridgeman Road, London, N1 1BD
    • Jean Stokes Community Centre, open Monday – Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm.   Community centre location: Coatbridge House, Carnoustie Drive, London, N1 0DX.

    You can request a paper copy of the survey by:

    You can collect a paper copy of the survey from and return your completed survey to:

    • Lewis Carroll Children’s Library, 166 Copenhagen St, London N1 0ST
    • West Library, 107 Bridgeman Rd, N1 1BD
    • Jean Stokes Community Centre, Carnoustie Dr, N1 0DX
    • Reception at Islington Town Hall, Upper Street N1 2UD


    Or request a survey by writing to Environment, 1 Cottage Road, London N7 8TP

    You can also see our proposals online by visiting our website:


    Please complete your survey by 11.59pm on Sunday, 17 March 2024 to let us know your views. 


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Page last updated: 19 Mar 2024, 10:23 AM